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Friday 18 November 2011

Yoichiro Nambu

Hello, this is my 6th post, and this post is about Yoichiro Nambu the winner of the 2008 Nobel Price of Phisics, I choose this person because, he teach me that if you study a career or you have studies, it dosen't matter, because, you will do anything thay you want, and also you can helped to people.

Nambu was born in Tokyo, Japan, in 1921. He graduated from the then Fukui Secondary High School in Fukui City,  In 1949 he was appointed to associate professor at the Osaka City University and promoted to professorship the next year at the age of 29.
In 1952, he was invited by the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, United States, to study. He moved to the University of Chicago in 1954 and was promoted to professor in 1958. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1970.

Nambu is famous for having proposed the "color charge" of quantum chromodynamics, for having done early work on spontaneous symmetry breaking in particle physics, and for having discovered that the dual resonance model could be explained as a quantum mechanical theory of strings. He is accounted as one of the founders of string theory.

Nambu has won numerous honors and awards including  Japan's Order of Culture (1978), the U.S.'s National Medal of Science (1982),  the Wolf Prize in Physics (1994/1995), and the Franklin Institute's Benjamin Franklin Medal (2005). He was awarded one-half of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics"

If you want more information click here 

Friday 11 November 2011

Hello readers, this is my fourth post in the blog. In the last two weeks we did  collaborative stories in our class and this is my collaborative story, hi hope you like. 

Gregory and Bernard

Once upon a time, in a very sunny day, there were two boys called Bernard and Gregory. They were in love with each other, but in that era, they weren’t accepted, because people did not accept gay marriages in some countries. George was a tall and big boy, and Gregory was short and thin. Both of them wanted to marry each other, but their country did not accept it, so they decided to go to another country until they found a country where they would be accepted.

Bernard and Gregory started looking for information about the countries that didn’t punish the homosexual couples. Their hard work gave them a successful result, they found an unknown island in the pacific ocean, that country that permitted the weddings of gays was called Hawaii. Immediately, they reserved two seats in the first flight with the capital of Hawaii as destination.

In Hawaii Bernard and Gregory bought a flat nere of the sports center. One day, when they went to the sport centre, Gregory saw a very attractive boy and he fell in love with him. The name of the man was Steven, and he was a very strong man. Gregory was all the time looking at him, and when Bernard saw that Gregory was looking at that man he started to get angry.

When they arrived home, they started discussing and arguing, but the argument did not resolve, so Bernard said that he wanted to split up. Bernard went back home, but Gregory went to the sports center the next day and he started by knowing each other.After one month, Gregory went to live with Steven. He lived in a mansion because he was an architect and he was very famous in Hawaii

But Gregory was unfaithful, so, he thought that he had to seduce Bernard, and he went to him and he introduced himself. But, Bernard didn’t like Gregory and he got very sad. Suddenly, Bernard repent and he thought that all the people should have a second opportunity and he gave him one. But now Gregory said that he was very hurt and said him no.

Gregory went to his house and he started watching the TV. He was watching a love movie, the protagonist was one boy that cuckold to other boy but at the end of the film the boy that cuckold the other decided to give an another opportunity. Gregory was very sad and he decided to phoned Bernard to give an another opportunity. Bernard accepted and they met in a coffee shop.

The next day, in the coffee shop, Bearnard was waiting for Gregory, but he didn’t come. Bernard was very worried and he decided to phone Steven but he didn’t take the phone. As he was lonely he decided to go to the sports center, and suddenly hen saw Steven and Gregory kissing each other while they were having a bath. Bernard got angry and he decided to kill both of them.

He went home to prepare the killing, he thought that the best option was to poison Gregory and Steven. He invited them to have dinner and he put poison in the entire chicken. Gregory and Steven arrived home and sat in the chairs. Bernard serve the chicken in plates and all of them eat the chicken, when they finished, Bernard tell to Gregory:
-Sorry, why?
Four days later, when the police went to Bernard’s home he saw the three boys died in the floor.