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Friday, 30 March 2012

Olympic Games Quiz

Hello readers,
In the last days we have been doing a quiz. We did the questionary
with a programme called hot patatoes. I recommend you creating a quiz with this programme. To finish I left my questioner here, if you wanted to do it.
In the case, you did the questioner, I hope you like.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Film Review

In Time was written, directed and produced by Andrew Niccol and is a science fiction action film. Starring Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Alex Pettyfer, Johnny Galecki, and Vincent Kartheiser.

By 2161, genetic alteration has allowed humanity to stop aging at 25 but people are required to earn more time after turning 25 or die within a year. Living time,  can be transferred among people, has replaced money and its availability is displayed on an implant on people's lower arm. When that clock reaches zero, one dies instantly. Society is divided by social class living in specialized towns called 'Time Zones'. The poor live in  ghettos, where youth predominates, and must work each day to earn a few more hours of life, which they must also use to pay for everyday necessities. The rich live in the luxurious city-like town called New Greenwich, in which they looked young because they have stopped aging at 25 years old. They drive fast electric cars, and can live for centuries.

I like a lot this film because it shows a hypothetical world of the future and because the film have a lot off sience fiction. And the films that I like most are the science fiction films. Also, the topic of the film is very original, so I like also because of the topic.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The poster about human rights

The last work that we did in the icts classes was a on - line poster in a web called glogster
The poster is about the human rights. This type of work is very interesting, because, you can study new modes to work, like to do a poster, and also, because, of the topic.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Bussiness with google site

We had been working in making a web for our business with google sites.
We have the bussiness webpage in two languages. Euskera and English

Here you have the link to visit the website of Txantxangorria Sports Center

Summary of the first evaluation of icts

In this post I'll show you what I have learned in this evaluation with a small slide that I do it in slideshare  Ikts
View another webinar from egoitz69