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Friday, 30 September 2011

Advice for new users of tuenti

Hi to all my readers, today I`m going to give  some advices to new users of tuenti or facebook.

1- Only upload photos if you appear only you or if you upload a photo with people assure that they give you permission because people can report your profile and then you can lose your tuenti or facebook account.

2- Don't forget that it is a social website and a lot of people can see your comments, photos, and all you did, see, put the privacity in the mode that you want and you think is the best.

3- The negative like I said before is that you lose your privacy, see you have to moderate the thing that you public in any social website. But, also they have positive aspects, you can speak with friends from any part of the world to any part of the world, also you can upload a photo and comment there all the friends to meet somewhere to do something


Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Welcome to everybody

Hello to everybody, my name is Egoitz Garmendia and
I do this blog for the ict class. I hope that you will like my blog. 